A U G U S T / S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 7 M A C O N M A G A Z I N E | 59
Open Streets Macon returns
Sunday, Oct. 1 from 2 - 6 p.m.
Streets will spring to life as a 1.5-
mile stretch of streets from the
Washington Memorial Library to
A. L. Miller Village is opened to
people on foot and bike and closed
to motorized traffic (except for
intersections where cars will be free
to cross).
Organized by Bike Walk Macon,
this is the city's largest free
recreation program unlike any other
in Macon-Bibb County. People traffic
replaces car traffic, and the streets
come alive as "paved parks" where
people of all ages, abilities and
backgrounds can experience streets
in a safer, healthier, more livable
Learn more and get involved: