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!" MACONMAGAZINE.COM HOMETOWN YOGA 4537 FORSYTH ROAD, SUITE A MACON, GEORGIA 31210 (478) 202-4994 | HOMETOWNYOGAMACON.COM How is yoga beneficial to every body type and skill level? Yoga is for EVERYBODY. This isn't a tagline or marketing promise. You are never too old or too young; \RXDUHQHYHUWRRLQµH[LEOHRURXW of shape; you are never not ready for yoga. Depending on what you hope to gain from a yoga practice, you ZLOO´QGFHUWDLQVW\OHVRI\RJDDUH more suitable than others. That is why we offer a wide variety of classes, ranging from Beginner to Gentle Yoga to Hot Power Flow and Vinyasa Flow. We are committed WRKHOSLQJHYHU\ERG\´QGD\RJD SUDFWLFHWKDWLVEHQH´FLDO Hometown is active in the community and oers free classes in unique locations. Where and why have you oered these classes? Before ever opening Hometown Yoga's doors, we wrote our mission statement: "Hometown Yoga's mission is to foster a vibrant, lively and diverse yoga community in Macon." Within months of opening we realized that to successfully IXO´OOWKLVPLVVLRQZHKDYHWRWDNH yoga out of the studio, bring it into the community and make it accessible to all. We have had an amazing time offering free yoga classes throughout the city, including Rosa Parks Square, Amerson River Park and Sonny Carter Elementary School. Hometown is two years old! Any new classes/studio focus that you are excited about? We can't believe it has already been two years. We are excited to continue our free classes in the community – our popular Hoppy Hour Yoga in Rosa Parks Square will be back this spring, and we also have plans for other fun locations throughout the city! Beyond that, we look forward to welcoming new teachers to our community. Not only do we have a number of new teachers regularly on the schedule, but we have also been fortunate to have well- recognized teachers from areas such as Atlanta and Asheville hold special workshops at Hometown. We plan to continue growing our team with passionate and knowledgeable teachers that make yoga exciting and relevant to all. Healthy . . . Innovations Owners, Rachel Garrity and Ashley Dunwody SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION