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DECEMBER/JANUARY 2016 !" COLISEUM HEALTH SYSTEM COLISEUM MEDICAL CENTERS 350 HOSPITAL DRIVE MACON, GEORGIA 31217 COLISEUM NORTHSIDE HOSPITAL 400 CHARTER BOULEVARD MACON, GEORGIA 31210 (478) 746-4646 | COLISEUMHEALTHSYSTEM.COM Coliseum Medical Centers and Coliseum Northside Hospital both recently earned an "A" for Patient Safety from the Leapfrog Group. What does this mean for your patients? The Hospital Safety Score is designed to give consumers information they can use to protect themselves and their families when facing a hospital stay. This score rates hospitals on errors, injuries, accidents, and infections. This score LVDUHµHFWLRQRIWKHDPRXQWRI care and effort taken by the staff and physicians at both Coliseum Medical Centers and Coliseum Northside Hospital. The community should be proud of work that the staff has done to make sure these two facilities earn top Hospital Safety Scores. You have recently added board- certified pediatricians to your ER sta. What impact will that have on patient care? The Pediatric ERs at Coliseum Medical Centers and Coliseum Northside are ready to treat emergencies big or small. This means that parents can trust that their children will receive rapid assessment and treatment from the PRVWTXDOL´HGSK\VLFLDQV7KH(5 pediatricians cover shifts from 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. and will expand hours as demand increases. Both hospitals offer the shortest ER wait times in the community – and now pediatric emergency departments are just one more reason to trust your family's health to your nearest Coliseum hospital. Tell us about the historic milestone the Coliseum Robotic Institute at Coliseum Medical Centers recently hit and why it is important. The Coliseum Robotic Institute completed the 2,000th operation using the da Vinci Robotic System in June of this year. This milestone VLJQL´HVWKHYDVWH[SHULHQFHWKH institute now has using this cutting- edge system. Coliseum Medical Centers began performing robotic surgery in May RIDQGZDVWKH´UVWKRVSLWDO in Macon to perform gynecological surgery, oncological surgery and colorectal surgery using this device. What is Stryker Spine Navigation Surgery and why is it important? Coliseum Northside Hospital is the only hospital south of Atlanta with this technology. Stryker Spine Navigation surgery is based on computer-assisted surgery that uses sophisticated surgical navigation software, an infrared navigation camera and Smart ,QVWUXPHQWVGHVLJQHGVSHFL´FDOO\ for spine surgery. During surgery the physician is able to track the exact position of instruments, which offers much greater precision. Coliseum Northside Hospital has also earned The Joint Commission's Gold Seal of Approval for Spinal Fusion Certification. What does that mean in terms of patient care? Coliseum Northside Hospital is one of only two hospitals in the state, and the only hospital in Middle Georgia, to earn this FHUWL´FDWLRQ Coliseum Northside Hospital underwent a rigorous on-site review. Joint Commission experts evaluated compliance with national GLVHDVHVSHFL´FFDUHVWDQGDUGVDV ZHOODVZLWKVSLQDOIXVLRQVSHFL´F requirements. Clinical practice guidelines and performance measures also were assessed. Healthy . . . Innovations SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION