MM Designer Breed:
Fire-tailed Lablollie Retriever
Merle is an 8-year-old at-coated Retriever mix. He
is in a foster home right now and loves his furry
brother and sister. His foster mom is working on
fetch with him. He is completely housebroken and
has very polite manners. He needs to be in a cat-free
home. When he goes on car rides, he likes to sit in
the front seat. He also loves his stued animals.
MM Designer Breed:
Alaskan Shephound
Lennox has been with all about
Animals since she was a puppy and
that was nearly four years ago. Lennox
is a shepherd mix who gets along with
most dogs and is very sweet, loving
and cuddly. She would so love her rst
forever home.