Macon Magazine

Summer 2023

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BRANDON LAWLER Owner and Operator, JBA HOW HE LIVES THE DREAM: "The goal is to listen to music and make sure it sounds good, I can't think of a better job." TYRONE MERRIWEATHER Senior Technical Staff, The Grand Opera House HOW HE STAYS BUSY: "My favorite part of the job is how different any day can be. We have dog shows, pony shows, burlesque, rock and roll, and today, we've got a kid's recital. It really runs the gamut." HOPE LANCE Operations Manager, Oak View Group HOW SHE PIVOTED CAREERS: "I was a nurse for years and got burnt out on it, my husband was a stage hand and got me in the door, now I've been here ten years and he's driving trucks. "I came in as an electrician, then I was an ops manager, now I'm a senior ops manager." FROM TOP: BRANDON LAWLER, TYRONE MERRIWEATHER, HOPE LANCE.

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