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Cherry Blossom Festival
The Cherry Blossom Festival
included many popular events.
1. Duke the dog got to meet Jack
Mason, Cherry Blossom royalty,
at the festival. "He was so kind
and gave me some good pets,"
Duke said. 2. Cherry Blossom
Festival Queen Faith Fabian with
her parents, Matt and Liz Fabian,
at the Cherry Blossom Festival's
Bridge Dinner. 3. Christi Johnson
and Daze the poodle having fun
with Petals at the Bed Race. 4.
Jeff Dein and Julie Moore attend
the Bridge Dinner. 5. Valli Berg
and Joanna Jones clown around in
Central City Park with Quinn Israel.
Photo by Kirsten Israel. 6. Quinn
and Matilda Israel play games at
Central City Park. Photo by Kirsten