12 | M A C O N M A G A Z I N E F E B R U A R Y / M A R C H 2 0 1 8
The L.E. Schwartz annual
Eggnog party is always
a highlight of the holiday
season. Enjoying this year's
event were: 1. Trish and Brian
Whitley, left, along with Steve
Bell and Michael Kruger; 2.
Susannah Maddux, left, and
Dr. Sharon Ash; 3. Jonathan
Pitts and Julia Magda; 4.
Sharmila Sewell, eggnog host
extraordinaire Melvin Kruger,
and Dr. Alvin Sewell; 5. Bob
Hatcher, Melvin Kruger, Ed
Sell, Lenore Sell, Steve Bell
and Carole Walker.
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