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Cortes Jewelers
4535 Forsyth Road | 478.477.7452
cortesjewelers.com |
Have you ever wondered how much
the jewel-encrusted brooch you
inherited from your grandmother is
Of course you have. There's a bit
of "Antiques Roadshow" in most of
us, wondering if you might possess
something worth a lot of money.
Even more immediate, what about the
special pieces you receive as holiday
gifts this year - hopefully from Cortes
Jewelers? As you wear and enjoy them,
getting them appraised and insured
may not be high on your priority list.
But it should be, said Richard Cortes,
a certified graduate gemologist and
owner of Cortes Jewelers.
"I can't tell you how often I have had
customers come in and are devastated
because they have lost a piece of
jewelry they love or have had a
robbery and lost everything," he said.
"Getting insurance to pay for what a
piece is worth when it has not been
appraised is almost impossible."
When it comes to jewelry, a
professional appraisal just makes
sense and all Cortes appraisers are
graduate gemologists certified by the
Gemological Institute of America.
An appraisal is a professionally
performed estimate of value that is
valid at the time it is written. And
values do change, especially when
you're talking about heirloom items. A
piece of jewelry originally purchased
in 1995 could be worth much more
today. For example, an ounce of gold
was worth just under $400 in 1995.
Today an ounce of gold is worth more
than three times that much.
But regardless of change, it just makes
sense so that you are covered.
Let Cortes Jewelers help you make
2018 the best it can it be!