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Facebook friends submitted their
Halloween photos. 1. Fiona, a 12-week-
old Chihuahua-Minpin mix, is available
for adoption through Critical Care for
Animal Angels. Weighing less than 2
pounds, she'll still be itty bitty when full
grown. She will be fully vetted, up to
date on shots, spayed and microchipped.
Help Fiona find her fur-ever home! Photo
by: Lili Photography; 2. Erin Q. Placzek:
"This was a few years ago, but one of
my favorites. Autism mama ingenuity
at its best: Weighted vest plus sound
minimizing headphones plus duct-taped
hairbrush equals air-traffic controller!";
3. Eleni and Zoe Economides as Moaning
Myrtle and Nancy Drew; 4. Jami Sorrow
Hoselton: "My son Joel wanted to be a
barn with chickens one year. I got it done.
Funny side note: If you yelled 'transform!'
he would duck down and the roof on his
hat fit right on top of the barn. Totally
unintentional."; 5. Amanda Bandy: "I was
super proud of the year I hand painted
the whole family Minecraft costumes!"
For more Halloween photos, follow us on
Facebook and Instagram.
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