16 | M A C O N M A G A Z I N E O C T O B E R / N O V E M B E R 2 0 1 7
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Macon Art Alliance Taste of the
Arts was another rousing success.
Enjoying the evening at the Teminal
Station were 1. from far left, Alan
and Kim Frank, with Bill Reynolds
and Scott Mitchell; 2. Rebecca
Grist, far left, Julie Wilkerson and
Tabitha Walker; 3. Steve and Lynda
Daugherty and 4. Nadia Osman, left,
and Erika Burks.
Celebrating the opening of Mary
Pinson's floral studio in downtown
Macon are 1. Robert McDuffie and
Mary Pinson; 2. David Aiello, far
left, with daughter Sophie, his wife,
Abby, and Kirstin Israel and Susannah
Maddux; 3. Jessica Walden, left, and
Nancy Wilkerson; 4. Ken and Jackie
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