Macon Magazine

August/September 2017

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A U G U S T / S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 7 M A C O N M A G A Z I N E | 5 THE SCHOLARS The local students who receive college scholarships from the Community Foundation of Central Georgia have compelling stories to tell. The recipients have over- come adversity, excelled academically, and are on track to succeed in life. Read more stories at "It's good to know that there are people who are looking forward to your success, and they're willing to reward you based on what you've done. It's also a reminder to give back to the community, just as they have done for me. I'm really thankful." — SASHEEN "I was very honored to be an Al Lucas Scholar, because I'm a cheerleader. You know, some people even say that cheerleading is not a sport. So to know that organizations like the Com- munity Foundation and the Al Lucas Family believe that we should be represented and supported just as much as any other athlete, it meant the world to me." — JANEL "The alumni from Miller, Lanier and Central giving back to some- one at Central is a big thing. Because, you are sowing back into what you came from. And, that's something I can do one day, once I get established in my career. Hopefully, I can add to that scholarship, expanding it to more people." — STEFAN "My scholarship is for future educators. I'm going to major in music education and hopefully come back home and be a music teacher for middle and high schoolers. Music is an under- represented category in public education and that almost breaks my heart." — BEN WRITING: SUSANNAH MADDUX / PHOTOGRAPHY: MARYANN BATES LEARN MORE ABOUT CREATING A SCHOLARSHIP FUND. at AL LuCAS MEMorIAL SCHoLArSHIp AL LuCAS MEMorIAL SCHoLArSHIp MILLEr LANIEr CENTrAL SCHoLArSHIp SArAH ANd GEorGE WILLIAM GrIEr, Jr. SCHoLArSHIp

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