16 | M A C O N M A G A Z I N E A U G U S T / S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 7
Shirley Hills Women's Get Together
Denny Jones hosted a get together for women who live in Shirley Hills. Among
those attending were:
1. Sara Switzer, far left, Lauren Jones and Keri Jones. 2. Mary Hall, far left, Lil Jones and Debbie
Wood. 3. Jennifer Simmons, left, and Gina Thwaite.
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1. Macon Magazine made it to the El Yunque
National Forest in Puerto Rico along with,
from left, Jeff Dein, Ellie Pennybacker, Julie
Moore and Hannah Jett Moore. 2. Summer
Sanders, a sophomore at Georgia College (&
2016 First Presbyterian Day School grad) spent
five weeks in Italy as part of a GCSU study-
abroad program. 3. Sue Sanda, left, and Sally
Draughon were among the crowd enjoying the
Top Hat Party that was part of Historic Macon
Foundation's Design, Wine and Dine festival. 4.
Proud parents Kevin and Jennifer Fussell pose
with their son, Hudson, after his graduation from
Glynn Academy. Hudson will attend Auburn
University this fall. 5. Bill Reynolds, far left, Scott
Mitchell and Jennie and Todd Lowe pose with
Macon Magazine while vacationing in Turks and
Caicos Islands. 6. Sue Bloodworth, Flo Mellard
and Angel Baby visited former Maconites Ken
Lynda Haynie in St. Louis at the Continental Life
Building, circa 1935, where they enjoy their 22nd
floor apartment views and Macon Magazine.
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