Macon Magazine

August/September 2017

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Page 13 of 59

12 | M A C O N M A G A Z I N E A U G U S T / S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 7 10th annual Otis Redding Music Camp PHOTOGRAPHY BY AUDRA WESTON Among 60 participating campers were: 1. Coach SaVanna Cameron and camper Jaelyn Herriott working hard during music theory. 2. Noah Duncan and Austin Herriott performing. 3. Leah Duval and Jason Hawkins performing on stage at the Cox Capitol Theatre. 4. The Gospel group members, Chelsea Harris, Latavia Causey, Edward Walker and Nadiyah Wilmore practicing their song "Universal Call" with coaches Renee Bumpus, Joiterious Marshall and Saxton Keitt. 5. Lee McCombs and Sarah Hassine recording their song "The Chase" at Otis Redding III's studio. 1 Faces 3 2 4 5

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