APRIL/MAY 2016 81
From left: Erika Burks - Art Director, Macon Magazine, Lisa Harris - Account Executive, Macon Magazine,
Mary Bowman Hampton - Communications Director, Cox Communications, Jodi Palmer - Co-owner, Macon
Magazine and Lynn Murphey - Market Vice President, Cox Communications.
Macon Magazine and Cox Communications have
always believed in the power and intellect of women.
Nine years ago, this natural partnership started our
Women in Business section and the Cox-sponsored
special event that honors them all in May. Pictured
here are our own women in business who love doing
this every year, and believe women help advance
Macon's future one smart decision at a time.
From left: Erika Burks - Art Director, Macon Magazine, Lisa Harris - Account Executive, Macon Magazine,
Mary Bowman Hampton - Communications Director, Cox Communications, Jodi Palmer - Co-owner, Macon
Magazine and Lynn Murphey - Market Vice President, Cox Communications.