Macon Magazine

October/November 2015

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8 | MACON MAGAZINE OCTOBER/NOVEMBER 2015 Editorial I have a love/hate relationship with Facebook. The nonsense and non sequitur tend to ruin my day - sometimes my week - when I pay too much attention. There are times, however, when FB can make a difference. A few weeks ago, James and I were at a stoplight, and the driver of a commercial vehicle pitched an empty cigarette pack out the window onto the street next to us. I snapped a quick photo and put it on my personal Facebook page with a short lament on the driver's complete lack of concern for the You can't get away from this dynamic duo By Jodi Palmer environment and our city. The response was overwhelming, but the best reaction came from Pam Carswell, the amazing head of our Keep Macon-Bibb Beautiful office. Pam and another important player in keeping our city the best it can be, Steven Fulbright, head of Main Street Macon, didn't just comment. These two went to see the boss of the company associated with the offending vehicle with my photo on their phones. This Batman and Robin of environmental causes convinced the guy to make a commitment to educate his drivers and to initiate an anti-litter policy with them. Bam. Done! I love that. But Pam also educated us on the anti-litter campaign she has started in partnership with Bibb Sheriff David Davis, and she wants us all to spread the word. At the KMBBC headquarters located in the Cherry Blossom Festival building, there is now a dedicated phone line to receive calls about local litter violations. Calls are anonymous, but callers must give the location and description of the vehicle and the license plate number. The plate will be traced to the owner who will then receive a letter and a warning on joint letterhead signed by the KMBBC and the sheriff 's office. After a second offense, fines of up to $1,000, work detail or jail could result depending on the severity of the violation. Pam is serious. And we think she is fabulous. Haven't we all had enough of sitting at a traffic light at an interstate off ramp that is strewn with trash? These serve as gateways to Macon, and we're sending the wrong message to out-of-towners by not stepping up, picking up or, at least, not throwing out trash. We need to help. Unless we all participate, this isn't going to work. If you see someone throwing anything (including cigarette butts) or dumping trash out of a vehicle, call 478-330-7053 with the description, location and license plate number. Macon needs you. It's well past time. Keep Macon Bibb Beautiful dedicated litter hotline: 478-330-7053.

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