Local contractors,
electricians, and
plumbers are hired by
expanding companies to
handle growth created by
the expansion, positively
stimulating the economy.
Entrepreneurs, companies,
and industries join the
chamber and their membership
dues fund business-friendly
operations and programs.
Members also participate
in fundraising activities
that support the Chamber's
program of work.
Members attend free and low-cost
educational and professional
development seminars which are
included in the program of work.
Members attend networking
events which offer excellent
opportunities for engagement
with other professionals, often
resulting in new collaboration.
More disposable income is
created for families who use
the money for entertainment,
major purchases, investments
and even start new businesses.
New businesses join the
Chamber and the membership
dues continue to cycle through
the local economy.
e Greater Macon Chamber of Commerce is
a non-profit organization established by local
business owners in 1861, with a volunteer board
that oversees operations and programs which are
funded by membership dues and events.
e Buck
Starts Here.
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