Macon Magazine

October/November 2024

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80 | October/November 2024 ABOVE Coaches addressed the students with a pep talk before the camp began. BELOW This workshop was free of charge and run by Macon-Bibb Parks and Recreation. Robert Walker, who sees the camp as a win-win for all involved. Takeaways included a photo with Dupree and the 20 camp volunteers and staff members along with a Los Angeles Chargers workout tee emblazoned with number 48 – Dupree's jersey number. Walker says learning from someone at the level of Dupree and other camp coaches lets participants know they can succeed as well. "Having a chance to get knowledge from Bud and the other players here gives these young men the opportunity to interact with someone they're familiar with as they see what it takes " H av i n g a c h a n c e to g et kn ow l e d g e f ro m Bu d a n d t h e ot h e r p l aye rs h e re g i ve s t h e s e yo u n g m e n t h e o p p o r t u n i t y to i nte ra c t w i t h s o m e o n e t h ey 're fa m i l i a r w i t h a s t h ey s e e w h at i t t a ke s to b e a n N F L p l aye r."

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