Macon Magazine

April/May 2024

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26 | April/May 2024 CLOCKWISE FROM CENTER LEFT A March Soirée at Wesleyan Leadership Lab. Alexis Gregg, Erin Bowler, and Ingrid Evans Brown led an evening of community, conversation, and a collective activity around naming our needs and how we can do more, together. Restaurateurs Tina Dickson and Chrissy Lee raised awareness for a fundraiser supporting Crisis Line and Safe House. Oh Honey Baking Co. brought donuts and charcuterie. Photos by Drew Brandon. Walter Moody was selected to sing in the Honors Performance Series at Cargnegie Hall. His mother Allyson was there to celebrate. A February Soireé at McEachern Art Center celebrated opening of the art show, Cozy, by Emily Furr. Guests from Macon Periods Easier and Girl Scouts of Historic Georgia spoke. Satterfield's Barbecue spread a feast. Photos by Jessica Whitley. Faces

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