Macon Magazine

April/May 2024

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18 | April/May 2024 Faces LEFT In February, Macon boogied and sang- along like true Dancing Queens (and Kings!) at Emerson at Plum for the most successful Macon Pops fundraiser to date. RIGHT Guest conductor of the Macon-Mercer Symphony Orchestra (MMSO) and Mercer alumnus Keitaro Harada, alongside his teacher and the winner of the 2024 McDuffie Award, Adrian Gnam. Macon Magazine hosted its pre-symphony Young Patrons Circle party ahead of the romantic Valentine's Day performance including Ravel's Bolero. BELOW In March, patrons of the MMSO enjoyed a special concert performed by Robert McDuffie and McDuffie Center Young Artists, featuring a Violin Concerto by Alan Fletcher and Caio Fonseca's world premiere of Collqui. MMSO photos by Leah Yetter courtesy of Mercer University.

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