Macon Magazine

April/May 2024

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22 | April/May 2024 Faces READERS SHARE THE WOMEN WE LOOK UP TO CLOCKWISE FROM LEFT Megan Carson, pictured with her daughter, Calloway, was nominated by Tyler Horne for the way she makes all those she meets feel seen and mentors others in yoga, therapy, and life. Tamara Jean Mosley, pictured here with her big brother and nominator, Clarence — a writer on our MM team — who says his sister is a "guiding light" for their family and her community as a mother, daughter, granny, and healthcare professional. Christèle Parham and Tonja Khabir at the opening of CrateX, the new coworking space opened by Christèle and her partner, Ariane (cofounders of Macon Black Tech) in February. Tonja, continuing her work in Pleasant Hill, spoke at an exhibition in Zurich about artist Beverly Buchanan, whose sculpture stands in front of the Booker T. Washington Community Center. Photo by No fl.ASH. Necessary Productions. While in Switzerland, Tonja brought a Food Issue to the top of Europe — Mt. Titlis in Engelberg.

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