1. Lunch Box from Ginny Marie's | 4646 Forsyth
Road St. 135 | @ginny_maries
2. Plants from Oh So Cute Succulent Boutique
| available online | @OhSoCuteSuccs
3. Notepad from the Museum of Arts and
Sciences | 4182 Forsyth Rd. | @masmacon
4. Bluelight glasses from Save the Date | 4420
Forsyth Rd. #135 | @savethedate_macon
5. Squirrel bookends from Smiley's Flea Market
| 6717 Hawkinsville Rd. | @smileys.flea.market
6. Highlighters and stamp from Georgia School
Supply | 4979 Mercer University Dr.
7. Tea from Biron Herbal Teas | @bironteas
8. Planner from Creter's | 2374 Ingleside Ave.
9. Painting by Audrey Dickison | available at The
Web, 1083 Washington Ave.
10. Various books available at The Golden Bough
| 371 Cotton Ave. | @that_bookstore_downtwon