BIKE A high quality, versatile, fun and affordable bike, such as a Charleston-based Bilda
Bike, is perfect for neighborhood sunset rides and cruising through Amerson River Park. Bike
Tech. $399.
HONEY Locally spun, nature's sweet syrup is the antidote to congestion, bland oatmeal
and their favorite cup of hot tea. Village Marketplace. $7.
RESPECT CHILDREN'S BOOK In a nod to The King of Soul, teach them to R-E-S-P-E-C-T
early. Otis Redding Foundation. $35, signed by the Redding Family.
DALAI LLAMA OIL PAINTING "Peace to all people" is the rough translation of the
Tibetan script on this 24-by-30 original painting. Art is the never-ending gift that can transform
a room. Be the best giver. You're welcome. Art by Kevin Lewis, available at Triangle Arts. $1,100.
RECORD Anybody else feel better about life when the music is spinning? Us, too. Fresh
Produce Records. Prices range.
ELDERBERRIES & MORE The ultimate syrup mix includes elderberries, used for
thousands of years for a myriad of health issues. Travis Jean. $22.95
HOUSE PLANT + POT The greener the better in a striking pot because we could all use
a little new life these days. Bonus: Perusing this outdoor nursery and market will spark joy.
Mossy Corner. Prices range.
WASH 'N FOLD SUBSCRIPTION "It has truly changed my life!" - Andrea Cooke, 5 Under
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