1. The 2021 Cherry Blossom Festival Royal Court includes,
clockwise from top, Legacy Queen Angela Boykin, Queen
Alicia Ford, Princess Catie Beth Stejskal, Little Miss Cherry
Blossom Khylie Wilkerson and Little Mr. Cherry Blossom
Walden Weatherford. Photo courtesy of Larry Najera.
2. Krystal Glover and friends celebrated International
Women's Day at Fountain of Juice in March. 3. Dr. Carol
Bokros, Dr. Ansley Booker and Mercer SGA Heritage Life
Committee members celebrated Pilgrimage to Penfield:
The Home Edition in Five Star Stadium. 4. Megan Carson
and Christa Conn celebrated Christa's new ownership
of Sparks Yoga, the yoga studio founded by Megan and
her husband, Josh Carson. 5. Owners Matt and Nikki
Hammock celebrated the three-year anniversary of Oliver's
Corner Bistro. 6. Actor Gerard Butler chose a TNT's BNB
for his weekend getaway. He and Thomas Reichert hit it off.
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18 maconmagazine.com | DECEMBER/JANUARY 2021