1. Paying homage to Macon
Magazine in Bend, Ore. From left,
Mandy Butera of Wren & Wild, Jenny
Fox and Jessica Smith.
2. Harriett Swann and David Kempa
team up for success. 3. Virginia
Sharp and her sisters Dianne Lester,
Deborah Turner and Gwendolyn
Ellington enjoy a Sunday afternoon
in downtown Macon. 4. Cherry
Blossom Festival Royal Court at the
Ronald McDonald House Charities
Cherry Blossom Road Race. From
left, Angela Boykin, Alicia Ford,
Catie Beth Stejskal and Adalaide
Richardson. 5. Steve Solomon
congratulates his son Peter Solomon
on becoming the fourth generation
Georgia Real Estate Broker in the
family. 6. Annie and Everett Adams
and Ella and Iris Evans break for a
photo at the Central City Skate Park.
7. Nan and Peter Solomon celebrate
62 years of marriage with dinner
at The Back Burner. 8. Dr. William
Brooks celebrates turning 40 with
his friends.
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16 maconmagazine.com | OCTOBER/NOVEMBER 2020