Macon Magazine

April/May 2020

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22 | APRIL/MAY 2020 7 M ACO N M AG A Z I N E.CO M | F E B R U A R Y / M A R C H 2 0 2 0 1 1. Lt. Cmdr. Stephanie Rivera, from Warner Robins, speaks during a Women's History Month observance in the hangar bay aboard the aircraft carrier USS Harry S. Truman in the Arabian Sea on March 22. 2. Pure Barre Macon celebrated a refreshed studio, new class offerings and six years of strength and community with a Grand Re- Opening ribbon cutting ceremony on Jan. 8. 3. Georgia College junior Kendyl Lewis, who started a campus food insecurity program, has been named a national finalist for the prestigious Truman Scholarship. 4. Dr. Billy Orr and his past office manager of 25 years, Debbie S. Malone, attended the Macon Civic Club's musical "Light My Fire" on Jan. 31. 5. Fifth graders at Springdale Elementary brought along a Macon Magazine on their trip to Washington, D.C. 6. The Casserole Shop celebrated the opening of its second location in Perry. 7. The Mardi Gras parade at Society Garden kicked off a celebratory evening. 8. Macon Magazine photographer Chris Smith, writer Rachelle Wilson and managing editor Renee Corwine get ready for BikeWalk Macon's ShamrocknRide Scavenger Hunt on March 14. 9. Mercer University professor Cynthia Gottshall celebrated a successful outpatient hip-replacement surgery with OrthoGeorgia's Dr. Dustin Hoffman, who performed the operation using the latest in robotic technology. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Faces // APRIL/MAY 2020

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