Macon Magazine

August/September 2019

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A U G U S T / S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 9 M A C O N M A G A Z I N E . C O M | 2 9 draft beer selections! 32 •••GREAT MEXICAN FOOD••• OPEN BEFORE, DURING & AFTER MERCER EVENTS NOW OPEN FOR WEEKEND BRUNCH MERCER VILLAGE | 478.254.7707 Over the Edge with the Boys and Girls Clubs of Central Georgia ON SEPT. 6, the Boys and Girls Clubs of Central Georgia will host a fundraiser with a thrilling twist. ose brave enough to face their fears will rappel down the side of the Dempsey Building in downtown Macon during the "Over the Edge" fundraising event, which begins at noon. "is event is unique to the Central Georgia community, and it is something that has never been done before," said Phillip Bryant, president and CEO of Boys and Girls Clubs of Central Georgia. Bryant said the goal of the event is to raise $100,000, while also raising awareness for the club's mission of helping local children facing adversity. e funds raised will support after-school programs, day camps and scholarship opportunities. "Every day, our most vulnerable young people face some of their greatest fears and challenges: homelessness, hunger or abuse," said the event website. "Now they challenge you to face your fears, catch your breath, step up to the edge, and rappel from the top of a 10-story building in downtown Macon." To go over the edge, participants are challenged to raise a minimum of $1,000. No prior rappelling experience is needed, as each "Edger" will be fully instructed before taking the leap of faith. Sponsorships also are available, including the fan favorite "Toss Your Boss" Group Sponsor, in which a group of employees from a business or company can collectively raise at least $1,500 to send their boss rappelling over the edge. Too "chicken" to go over the edge? Bryant said there will be a designated area called the Chicken Coop where participants can stay safely on the ground while watching and cheering on the "Edgers," and enjoying the music and exciting atmosphere of the event. Visit to learn more. – MICHAELA FULLER

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