A U G U S T / S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 9 M A C O N M A G A Z I N E . C O M | 8 9
New home away from
RESIDENCE HALLS certainly have
the potential to be a great home
away from home, and Middle
Georgia State University soon will
be unveiling its new Lakeview Pointe
residence hall. The three-story
building will be the university's first
formal residence hall. Creating this
new space will double the number of
students attending MGSU who live
on campus.
"Lakeview Pointe is more than
a place for students to live," said
Jennifer Stenander, MGSU's
vice president for enrollment
management. "Home to more than
300 MGSU students, in this new
residence hall they will form lifelong
friendships, receive access to
programs and services that enhance
student learning, and become more
involved with student life."