Macon Magazine

August/September 2019

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8 8 | M A C O N M A G A Z I N E . C O M A U G U S T / S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 9 Classic colors, preppy style JACK LEE is a graduate student studying higher education leadership at Mercer University. His style can be described as a blend of traditional and preppy. "I like to decorate with classic colors like navy blue and dark red, and I try to incorporate different patterns like plaids and oriental rugs. I like to have a comfortable place to sit, so I make my giant couch the centerpiece of my living room and then build around that," he said. "In my bedroom, I have a plaid blanket that has red, navy, yellow and beige in it, and many of the other objects in that room match." Another lesson he's learned is to create boundaries within his space. "I make sure that I do not do work on my bed or read for pleasure at my desk so that I can mentally and physically keep things separated," Lee said. "I make sure that I do not do work on my bed or read for pleasure at my desk so that I can mentally and physically keep things separated." – Jack Lee

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