Macon Magazine

April/May 2019

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1 1 2 M A C O N M A G A Z I N E . C O M A P R I L / M AY 2 0 1 9 LYNN MURPHEY MACON DIRECTOR FOR THE KNIGHT FOUNDATION Lynn's average day includes talking with current or potential grantees, researching grant ideas, engaging in learning opportunities, meeting with community members and representing Knight in Macon. "I 'm one of those crazy people who truly enjoys pushing myself physically." What's your current exercise routine? My goal is to be active every single day. I enjoy a challenging workout four or five days a week. Other days, I'll take a walk or do an at-home yoga workout. I really enjoy yoga in Tattnall Square Park when it's in season, and the pop up Pure Barre classes are always a treat. What's the trick to finding time to exercise, and why is it important? I sit down on Sunday nights and plan my workouts. I put them on my calendar and do my very best to protect them as much as any other work appointment I make. If I'm not intentional about scheduling, my workouts will not happen – there are simply too many 'other' things to distract me. What's the best exercise advice you ever got? Get your workout appointments on your calendar. What's the one piece of exercise equipment you can't live without? My Garmin watch. I'm a data freak; I like to know calorie burn, average heart rate, etc., for each workout so I can track my progress.

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