F E B R U A R Y / M A R C H 2 0 1 9 M A C O N M A G A Z I N E | 5 5
When heading downtown
for dinner, check out Kudzu
Seafood Company's relocated
restaurant coming soon to
Poplar Street. Enjoy incredible
jambalaya, hush puppies
and the most flavorful fried
shrimp. Downtown Macon's
first rooftop bar is on the
horizon there, too. Hello, new
favorite backdrop!
"As we head into
Valentine's Day and
the Cherr y Blossom
Festival, find that
look that inspires
you and sets you
apar t – one that
makes you walk
with just a little
more pep in your
step. Because when
you love you, that is
when heads turn."