Macon Magazine

February/March 2019

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F E B R U A R Y / M A R C H 2 0 1 9 M A C O N M A G A Z I N E | 5 1 EXPANDI NG MENU, I NVI T I NG AT MOSP H ERE Sanneman said his role at the restaurant is to identify the core menu favorites that keep customers coming back, while tempting them with some new offerings as well. " When I came in, I had the mindset to not change a bunch of stuff. In fact, we haven't done much to the core menu at all," he said. " The way we're advancing things is through the Specials Board, which is a huge task to manage." With a goal of bringing in new ingredients through their use in weekly specials, Sanneman said the restaurant now features "every type of mushroom you can think of, and lot of game like elk, duck and venison." Sanneman said he's taking a slow approach to changes in the core menu. " We are looking at creating a core menu change maybe by March, but we're not holistically changing everything," he said. " We want to keep all of our old customers and invite new ones in as well." Griffith said it 's important to maintain the integrity of the restaurant, while also looking to its future: " To me, that 's what keeps businesses going, to slowly evolve with the times." For now, Griffith said he's focused on maintaining the excellent reputation of the restaurant, and Sanneman is just one member of the "A-team" they 've created to do that. "Now that we have a year under of our belt as the steward of Natalia's, we've identified our A-team moving forward. Long-time server and front of house leader Richard Hedden has stepped up to the plate. He's been here for years, and we're excited to announce that he will be Natalia's general manager." SIMP LE AND SAT ISFYI NG Glancing around the bar area, scattered with folks laughing over cocktails and meatballs, Sanneman said dining at Natalia's doesn't have to be fussy. It can be as simple as drinks and appetizers or desserts. Addressing those with reservations about fine dining, Sanneman said, "Anyone can eat here. What are people afraid of ? Is it the tablecloths?" he asked with a laugh. "I don't think it 's the cuisine. We're very approachable from a cuisine standpoint; I believe that. Don't let the tablecloths scare you!" When cooking at home, Sanneman said he likes to keep it simple, with just a touch of experimentation. " When I cook, a lot of the times I'm experimenting with stuff. I love using a real wood grill, and I'm hoping that 's something we can bring into the kitchen at Natalia's. ... People would be surprised; I'm not complicated at home," he said, starting to laugh. "I' ll eat imitation crab meat and cheese out of a can from time to time. I ain't too proud."

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