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3 2 | M A C O N M A G A Z I N E F E B R U A R Y / M A R C H 2 0 1 9 AC P U P I t all began 10 years ago – a dream, a vision, a mission. Central Georgia C.A.R.E.S. was created when a group of animal lovers joined forces with a group of local business people determined to make life better for animals in Middle Georgia. A nonprofit animal welfare organization, Central Georgia Critter Advocates Requesting Ethical Standards' (CARES) mission is to help homeless animals, to eliminate euthanasia of healthy adoptable pets, to promote spaying/neutering, to eliminate animal cruelty and to promote humane education. CARES catapulted out of the gate with a lofty goal: to eliminate the gas chamber that had been used for decades to manage Middle Georgia's animal overpopulation at Macon Animal Control. After developing a collaborative, productive relationship with Macon City Council members and conducting incredibly successful fundraising efforts, CARES was able to swing the sledgehammer on the gas chamber. CARES subsequently funded new construction at Macon Animal Control and provided essential supplies and equipment. Simultaneously, my personal story was unfolding. Only a few weeks after my birth, I was abandoned outside on the coldest night of the year. I was not expected to survive being frozen. After two animal control officers cared for me, I began to thrive. Then, I was noticed by CARES as the perfect mascot for their group. CARES and I have spent the last 10 years working to improve life for animals and the people who love them. Thank you, Middle Georgia, for supporting our mission and helping us to care for beloved pets. In 10 years, we've made an impact on our community: 250 FAMILIES have received financial assistance for spaying/ neutering. 700 FAMILIES have been given pet food, supplies and pet housing. 5,000 STUDENTS have been edu- cated about the humane treatment of animals. 13,000 FOLLOWERS are reached through our Facebook page, where we promote adoption of healthy, homeless pets. AC Pup is the mascot for Central Georgia CARES, a nonprof it animal welfare organization in Macon. Contact AC Pup at A decade of caring STORY BY AC PUP PHOTOGRAPHY BY ROBIN GATTI NEWBERN D A I L Y S P E C I A L S L O B S T E R T H U R S D A Y S • S U N D A Y B R U N C H T U E S D A Y T H R O U G H S A T U R D A Y 1 1 A M - 2 P M & 5 P M - 9 : 3 0 P M 2 2 4 2 I N G L E S I D E A V E N U E | 4 7 8 . 7 4 6 . 3 3 3 6 D A I L Y S P E C I A L S L O B S T E R T H U R S D A Y S • S A T U R D A Y B R U N C H T U E S D A Y T H R O U G H S A T U R D A Y 1 1 A M - 2 P M & 5 P M - 9 : 3 0 P M 2 2 4 2 I N G L E S I D E A V E N U E | 4 7 8 . 7 4 6 . 3 3 3 6