Macon Magazine

February/March 2019

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8 | M A C O N M A G A Z I N E F E B R U A R Y / M A R C H 2 0 1 9 CONTEXT IS THE KEY THING "Y ou have to know someone's whole story and understand them. Context, for me, is the key thing," Michelle Obama said on the last night of her recent book tour. My mother and I had the opportunity to hear her at a sold-out Barclays Arena in Brooklyn in December. Michelle was strong and real and funny, and that message of acknowledging the full story is something I am more intentional about these days. It is not just the work my job calls for, it's a passion. As this issue came together, I was once again reminded of why this place is worthy of leaning into and seeking the context to know and share the great stories. You'll find far more than his cool dreads in the story about Bob Lennon, a man raised by his grandparents in East Macon, who went to Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College on a golf scholarship. He left all of that behind to pursue his true passion – rapping. His manager and partner, Pink, who moved here from New York has made him her mission. And her efforts are working. Our local food goes beyond your tastebuds; it is the flavor of Central Georgia. We're especially excited about a food tour that kicks off in February. And the plates don't stop at our local restaurants. Our people are delivering countless meals to fight our community's hunger issues. You'll find a number of ways to feed a brother, sister or child in need. As we await the first cherry blossom sightings, be reminded of the international friendships, partnerships and even industry that have transpired alongside 38 years of the Cherry Blossom Festival. is year's festival features India, Italy, Japan, Mexico and Taiwan and $300,000 worth of entertainment for $5 any time you step into Central City Park during the 10-day event this March. "You can't have success if you're not pulling people along with you," Michelle stated later in her talk, clad in a pair of memorable holographic thigh-high boots. "Give people the benefit of the doubt. Be open to each other." We are pulling people along with us. In that vein, I am proud to announce that this issue was produced with the aid of two bright young interns, Michaela Fuller and Ian Williams. is magazine has plenty to show eager minds the experience they crave. But we could do more of that. We are the ones we are waiting for. Our local musicians, people, food, success stories and celebrations are made better when we dig in and bring others to the table. Susannah C. Maddux E D I T O R ' S L E T T E R m Susannah, in front of the layout wall. Follow the #wallofmaconmag.

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