M O N T H / M O N T H Y E A R M A C O N M A G A Z I N E | 1 5
D E C E M B E R / J A N U A R Y 2 0 1 9 M A C O N M A G A Z I N E | 1 3
Celebrating 10 years serving our Macon Community
478-741-0046 • SignatureDentistryOfMacon.com
Celebrating 10 years serving our Macon Community
478-741-0046 • SignatureDentistryOfMacon.com
Celebrating 10 years serving our Macon Community
478-741-0046 • SignatureDentistryOfMacon.com
D E C E M B E R / J A N U A R Y 2 0 1 9 M A C O N M A G A Z I N E | 2
Around the world
with Macon Magazine
1. Pictured at the Washington National Cathedral are
(front row) Kristin Oren, Ann Laney and Becky Meyer,
and (back row) Allison Griffin and Margaret Berry.
2. Georgia and North Carolina friends brought the
magazine on a South American bird hunt. 3. Gene,
Valli, Liz and Kate Maddux crossed the famous
Abbey Road. 4. Cast members of "The Nutcracker
of Middle Georgia" at Macon Arts gallery. 5. Cortes
Jeweler's Natalie Casbon and Julie Atkinson at the
Jewelers International Show in Miami.