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Stifel, Nicolaus & Company, Incorporated | Member SIPC & NYSE | www.stifel.com
Lowell A. Shepley
First Vice President/Investments
David G. Lucas
Senior Vice President/Investments, Branch Manager
Kevin Watson
First Vice President/Investments
Chris Durham
First Vice President/Investments
Christopher Bolles, Jr., CFP
Vice President/Investments, Branch Manager
Robert E. Chanin
Senior Vice President/Investments
Craig S. Murphey, Sr.
Senior Vice President/Investments
(478) 743-4171 | (800) 203-5250 toll-free
577 Mulberry Street, Suite 1200
Macon, Georgia 31201
At Stifel, we believe that as individuals, businesses, and public entities come together, we reach common goals.
Friends. Neighbors. Communities.